One Great Spiritual Law of Life

One great spiritual law of life

A lot of us are looking for balance or something to fulfill our lives, to complete our days, to rest and wake up feeling whole. Whole. I think that’s how we all want to feel, whole. The dictionary defines coherence as united as or forming a whole. Coherency oscillates between the spiritual and material and could be the key to balance.

My friend sent me a quote by Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, where he says,

“The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life.”

Stop searching for self-fulfillment. Search for God. Serve others.

Studying God’s word, brought to us through His prophets, helps us know Him. Serving humanity is also a requirement in order to become closer to Him, and as we get closer we begin to have a better understanding of whom we are and what our position is on this earth. Those efforts in worshiping and knowing God will attract balance to us. We don’t find balance, balance finds us.

It has become easier and easier to separate our lives from God and so it’s only natural that we look at our beliefs as a side dish to our work, to our family, to our recreational activities, instead of looking at them all as one. Until we infuse justice and nobility in all aspects of our life we will continue to feel unsure about our actions. The common belief in society is that when we feel unsure we distract ourselves with activities that direct our energies towards self-gratification. Referring to the quote above, this is exactly the formula for encouraging uncertainty.

These are concepts in society that we have to deconstruct if we want to build up a new standard. A standard which will guide us towards to our true potential, where we communicate with God through prayer and meditation, read His Writings, develop our spiritual qualities and capacities to serve others, and work together without being exclusive. Coherence, balance, harmony. Is it possible to bring about change without this spiritual law?