I am because of you

Dear Dad,

It’s been 12 years since you started traveling the worlds beyond,

What have you seen? Where have you gone?

9/14/82 “This my first entry to record a father’s impression of his adored son. You have filled (really!!) my life with moments of unequalled pleasure and wonderment. Imagine! A little soul developing before my eyes. A miracle, truly.”

I'm still a little soul developing before your eyes,

Only now with a slight change in size

11/4/82 “…you cry most mournfully when not properly attended to before sleep time. It will not be the last time within your childhood that you will become the treasured instrument for the subtle education of your parents in the ever needful field of patience.”

What a beautiful way of sharing your life,

a praise within advice, and recognizing the growth in strife

8/2/83 “But one thing that moves me more than anything else is the love you show to mother and me. A smile, a hug, kisses and kisses, a soft brown-eyed look to melt the heart. This is my treasure. This makes me rich beyond compare.”

Although years have past since our last meeting,

Your words feel like a recent greeting,

A reminder that our time together is anything but fleeting

And this shell to the material world is thin

And when it cracks I will walk in

To see your face wearing my favorite dad grin…

Much love,

Your son

Soul Mates

I listened to a conversation the other day about marriage. A few youth were discussing the fact that they were looking forward to it but were not quite ready. Some had a specific date or year in mind when the marriage day would occur. I remember having the exact same thoughts…

…which sparked the following series of thoughts now…

What is a healthy marriage? Society would define marriage as the outcome of two people falling in love and the necessary step to be taken in order to legalize that love. Some would say that marriage is for people that want to have children. What does it mean to raise a child? Again, the definition perhaps would be that children are the result of sexual intimacy and we raise them so they will understand the difference between right and wrong. These two questions, for me, are the keys to opening the door to marriage.

Now one could be satisfied with these semi-general definitions that are heard in our society… or one could be absolutely terrified. I feel like the majority of us fall into this second category. Fear of commitment, fear of failure, fear of the unknown. And with the above definition, marriage kind of looks like a seemingly innocent accident, which at the end of the day forces you to take a terrifying, leap of faith. But I don’t agree with the above definition.

First off, I refuse to believe something so incredible as the union of two souls; the everlasting bond sealed by the acknowledgment of a divine institution could be viewed as an accident. We are all guided and can constantly ask for guidance along the way. I’ve heard many examples of couples getting married and later realizing how they were so lovingly directed towards each other. One couple told me that they were in a bookstore, looking around, and then “accidentally” a book fell off the shelf. When they picked it up, they noticed it was about marriage. Some take years before they decide to get married, and some take days. Some have dreams, some don’t. There really is no pattern, no formula, no guarantee, and perhaps this is the scariest part for many people because they see marriage as mentioned before, a terrifying leap of faith. But what if it’s not. The answer, on the surface level, seemingly simple, is probably one of the most beautiful and necessary endeavors humans will ever undertake.

Getting to know one another.

Lately, I’ve been serving in a small community, and this question has been running through my mind. How do we get to know one another? Since service is the most complete form of adoration to God, our most meaningful interactions occur when we serve together, when we make efforts for the betterment of the world rather than when we’re focused on making ourselves happy. This statement goes right to the heart of the question and presents a solution that dissolves the earlier mentioned “fear of the unknown.” Through service we get to know each other’s characters, and more importantly we understand what it is to sacrifice our own needs for a greater purpose, we learn how to support each other’s efforts, we grow closer by forgetting ourselves because love can only grow by giving, and service to others is the true expression of love and sacrifice. This is the purest form of getting to know one another.

When we see the other person for the qualities that they have developed because of their love for God we can overcome any challenge that the marriage might go through. Once this kind of love is born you cannot get angry or upset with them because being near them is like being near God, the source of love. Abdu’l-Baha, a great spiritual teacher writes about this vision,

“Each sees in the other the Beauty of God reflected in the soul, and finding this point of similarity, they are attracted to one another in love... This love will bring the realization of true accord, the foundation of real unity.”

This subject deserves much more thought and assumes the great responsibility of getting to know oneself has already been explored.

The last question is much more difficult to comment on because I lack the experience of raising or having a child. Baha’u’llah, a Divine Educator, states,

“Marry, O people, that from you may appear he who will remember Me amongst My servants; this is one of My commandments unto you; obey it as an assistance to yourselves.”

I just cannot fathom the bounty that God has given us here. “…from you may appear he who will remember Me…” If we believe that everyone has a soul then we can define parenthood as the art of guiding the infinite. A newly born soul is clean of the dross we accumulate from this world such as vain-imaginations, ego, materialism, racism and prejudice, etc. A parent’s job is to accompany this soul, help them navigate through the world so when they are faced with a challenge they will look towards their inherent nobility for the answers and find their heart overflowing with love for others. This most essential role of the parent is being tested all the time. Everyday, through our interactions with family, friends, neighbors, strangers, we are developing our ability to comprehend, listen, give advice, help out, accompany, etc. We could see the early stages of our life as the training ground for the purpose of marriage; guiding souls to recognize their Creator.


Thoughts while traveling to NY...

$1.45 for a banana!!

Wireless Internet everywhere, even while sitting 20,000 feet above the earth.

Immense manmade structures, the works of a few genius architects.

Sun piercing through a multilayered cloud formation a few hours before it setting.

Waiting for luggage in a room full a different cultures and races all anticipating the warm welcome from friends and family just outside the door.

Friendly chatter with two traveling Ukrainians about exploration, food, and a small media project in Ecuador!

Listening to the train grind on cold steel tracks mixed with random and sometimes intimate conversations from it's passengers.

Getting picked up by a best friend, and by picked up, I mean hugged :)

One Great Spiritual Law of Life

One great spiritual law of life

A lot of us are looking for balance or something to fulfill our lives, to complete our days, to rest and wake up feeling whole. Whole. I think that’s how we all want to feel, whole. The dictionary defines coherence as united as or forming a whole. Coherency oscillates between the spiritual and material and could be the key to balance.

My friend sent me a quote by Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, where he says,

“The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life.”

Stop searching for self-fulfillment. Search for God. Serve others.

Studying God’s word, brought to us through His prophets, helps us know Him. Serving humanity is also a requirement in order to become closer to Him, and as we get closer we begin to have a better understanding of whom we are and what our position is on this earth. Those efforts in worshiping and knowing God will attract balance to us. We don’t find balance, balance finds us.

It has become easier and easier to separate our lives from God and so it’s only natural that we look at our beliefs as a side dish to our work, to our family, to our recreational activities, instead of looking at them all as one. Until we infuse justice and nobility in all aspects of our life we will continue to feel unsure about our actions. The common belief in society is that when we feel unsure we distract ourselves with activities that direct our energies towards self-gratification. Referring to the quote above, this is exactly the formula for encouraging uncertainty.

These are concepts in society that we have to deconstruct if we want to build up a new standard. A standard which will guide us towards to our true potential, where we communicate with God through prayer and meditation, read His Writings, develop our spiritual qualities and capacities to serve others, and work together without being exclusive. Coherence, balance, harmony. Is it possible to bring about change without this spiritual law?

The Magic of Avatar

#1 Avatar - $1,844 million (since January 25, 2010)


The fastest grossing film to $1 billion clearly means that Avatar has grabbed the attention of the vast majority of film goers around the world... but why? I've been trying to figure that out now since I saw it a month ago, and then recently once more. On the surface it's a historical recreation of the devastation that was carried out against the Native Americans by the Europeans later known as Americans. Same characters, different planet. Same arrows and bows against the same superior weaponry, same quest for wealth leading to the same destruction of life. Same cliches, natives representing reverance and oneness with nature, native princess marrying the brain and personality of a white soldier, and an ending that any audience could have guess after viewing the first 20 minutes of the film.

However, Pandora is breathtaking, from it's beauties to it's dangers, the unique plant life, creatures, race of Navi, floating mountains, etc. The 3D effect was also a nice support in bringing this world to life. In addition, there were some very interesting concepts laid throughout the film. Like the network of connections within the roots of the trees which acted like a human brain, or how by using fiber optic tentacles each creature had the possibility of tapping into that network and bonding with one another. I felt this part of the film could have been developed a bit more by showing the transformation in the emotional side of Soldier Sulley rather than focusing so much time in the physical training of his Navi body. The spiritual side of his character was lost by spending so much time in the physical tests of the Navi and in the battle scene at the end. It only re-enforced the idea that the only way to peace is through war and with mother nature as the oldest warrior in this on-going cycle of death, you are sure to win. One scene in particular which grated against the films goal of glorifying spirituality in the warrior was when Jake Sulley, in his Navi body, had to pass the last test of manhood. A hard scene to analyze since I am a lover of dragons but there is no denying that his fight with the dragon which aimed at representing the ultimate oneness between man and beast, only re-enforced his military friends idea of domination. Especially when after connecting with his dragon Jake Sulley says, "Now you're mine."

The Message

My opinion of why audience members loved this film has to do with two things; the Message and the Structure in which it was delivered. Because even after saying all that above, I liked Jake Sulley, I was hoping throughout the film that he would pass all the tests, that he would save the Navi, and that he would find a way to be with the princess. The cliches did bother me but the overall message hit home and hit harder than the annoyance of the typical stereotypes. We are all connected to mother nature, even without having fiber optics inputs, and we are killing her. Beauty, science, culture, intelligence, discovery, life, all of it has taken a backseat to profit and the only check to our moral behavior is the bottom line. This is a message extremely relevant to what is happening in our society now, it's a worldwide issue, it affects everyone, and we all know that unlike in Avatar, mother nature is not going to sort out our problems. Avatar presents us with the first step, consciousness, awareness, realization, respect, love, and the will to sacrifice everything for the improvement of the world and all its citizens. The next step is action and I feel we are all at this next step, ready to move, ready to replace our destructive habits with harmonious ones that will bring back the balance between people and nature.

The Structure

In order for action to occur we need to be brave, courageous, daring, innovative, radiant, and confident in our destiny. James Cameron used these spiritual qualities to illumine the monotonous life that Jake Sulley had before discovering the Navi. He is what we call an unlikely hero, arriving in the film as much handicapped physically as emotionally whose only goal was based in the material, a new pair of legs. He ended the film with noble goals and a whole new lifestyle. This is an element that many of us feel daily, that we were created for more than just this life, that we were created to do great things, and have exciting adventures. If we look at the way Jake Sulley changed we might be able to find a formula that will help us find our own personal adventure. He was offered an opportunity to serve. Although his motives were misguided they eventually found the right path. His beliefs and ideals were challenged. What once held the most importance in his life now seemed insignificant, and what once was non- existent in his life now became the center and foundation for all his thoughts and actions.

The Magic of Avatar

Movies allow us to escape reality, to take a breathe and forget what is outside of the theater, and this is one of the reasons why we see them. But Avatar, while at the same time being entertaining, suspenseful, and action-packed, paralleled the issues and problems faced on Pandora with our own world and in effect kept us as much in the present as in our imaginations. I feel we love Avatar, not because we escaped, but rather we imagined confronting our problems with courage, with determination, and with confidence in our own nobility. If we continue down this path I think we will all find each other moving in the same direction, working together for the betterment of family life, friends, strangers, and the world.